Tuesday, July 31, 2018

My Chalk Drawings: Colorful Fishes 080118

The fish represents a lot of things for different cultures , but on it's own it shows fluidity and grace in the water. So I always like to draw them in quantity and colors...

 " I fish to scratch the surface
 of those mysteries,
For nearness to the beautiful,
And to reassure myself the world remains. "
- Carl Safina

My Chalk Drawings: Water Surfing 073118

Catching the waves, although I don't know anything about surfing, there is nothing wrong about catching it's Beauty. The waves are high & yet the surfers are strong and courageous facing it again and again.

" Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing
   is the very thing that will set you free "
   - wordsofwisdom Pinterest.com

My Chalk Drawings: Small Waterfall 073118

There is something about a waterfall, that sound of gurgling waters that soothes your mind and gives you feelings of comfort. Not to mention the sceneries around it . A wonderful place...

" Adopt the pace of Nature:
  Her secret is Patience "
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Chalk Drawings: Scuba Diving 073118

The wonders you will see
will not disappoint you if you explore the Asian islands. Those that are not yet discovered nor touched by developers can fill you with fascination; the corals and the fishes...

"Every time you dive,
You hope you'll see something new,
 some new species.
Sometimes the ocean gives you a gift,
sometime it doesn't . "
- James Cameron

My Chalk Drawings: Rice Paddies 073118

My first drawing of the Rice Terraces of Banaue. Although I think I didn't it justice this time, I know I can draw a decent one in the future...

"Let the world you inhabit inspires you
  to worship the one who owns it... "
  - Jennifer Benson Schuldt

My Chalk Drawings: Heron 073118

This is my Heron drawing. Beautiful long legged, graceful in the water ...

" Stand tall, Stand Proud.
   Know that you are unique
   and magnificent.
   You do not need
    approval of others. "
  - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

My Chalk Drawings:: Two different Girls 073118

Two girls western and from the orient. Entirely different in cultures and charm, ideal subjects to draw...

" Happy Girls are the prettiest !"
   - Audrey Hepburn

My Chalk Drawings: Trapeze Artists 073118

I'm still perfecting my drawings but more or less I can capture some movements to depict graceful forms...

" Some people move
   our Souls to dance. "
   - Flavia Weedn

My Chalk Drawings: Moments 073118

Specific moments in one's life are remembered with happiness. Like the time you met your love, your dates and the growing old together.

" Life isn't Perfect,
   but it has
   Perfect Moments "
   - Picturequotes.com

Monday, July 30, 2018

My Chalk Drawings:Girl on Swing 073118

There will always be a time when you need to be alone and think about things. When you can't go out to a special place , you can always find it in your own home. A "Me" place...

"Carve out and claim the time to care for yourself and kindle your own fire."
- Amy Ippoliti

Sunday, July 29, 2018

I thought of my friends when I came upon an image of a girl letting balloons go. Some times it is difficult to express your feelings you want to convey in sympathy...

" Anything you can't control,
  is teaching you how to let go "
  - Jackson Kiddard

My Chalk Drawings: Boardwalk Sunset


On your favorite chair watching the Sunset.
An ideal place to be. 

"When I admire the wonders of a Sunset
or thebeauty of the moon,
my soul expands in the worship
of the creator."
- Mahatma Gandhi

My Chalk Drawings: The Frogs

Spending time at the pond can amuse you specially if there are frogs on lily ponds.

" So come to the pond,
or the river of you imagination,
or the harbor of your longing.
And put your lip to the world.
And live you life "
- Mary Oliver

My Chalk Drawings: Child Drawing

Had difficulty drawing this girl, barely finished it. She just drawing a flower while resting in their backyard, enjoying her creative time...
"The essence of being human is being creative " - Joel Garreau

My Chalk Drawings: Anime Girl

Maybe I can improve on my proportions in my drawings. My anime girl is a happy one. Maybe I just want my work to reflect "happy".

"Remember that happiness lives in your soul,
  and not in what you possess! "
  - Lythan Therapies

My Chalk Drawings: Girl Reflecting 073018

Whenever we are alone in Nature we sometimes find ourselves reflecting on who we are and how we live our life . But most of the time just seeking peace...

"It's all about finding the calm in the Chaos"
- Donna Karan

My Chalk Drawings: Little Birds 073018

Don't know why I am having a bit of difficulty in drawing these little birds . Maybe next time I will do better.  
  " A little bird told me you have gifts the world needs. Don't hog em! " -Jane Lee Logan

My Chalk Drawings: Dog 073018

Trying out drawing our pet dog. Funny thing it turns out like she is muscular , when in reality she is a tiny and long dachshund.

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog.
And none of them are wrong."
- W.R. Purche

My Chalk Drawings : Daffodils 073018

Daffodils, symbolizing rebirth & new beginnings is very attractive in yellow. Bright and happy color...

"She turned to the Sunlight
And shook her yellow head
and whispered to her neighbor
Winter is dead"

A,A. Milne

My Chalk Drawings : The Cat 073018

First time drawing a Cat. There will be more types later as I go along. Mainly because they are interesting and have may antic and expressions.

" Until one has loved an animal,
   a part of one's soul remains unawakened"
   - Anatole France

My Chalk Drawings: Zinia 073018


         " There are always flowers for those who want to see them "
            - Henri Matisse

My Chalk Drawings: Girl in Hanbok 073018

First time drawing a Hanbok, maybe I can improve my style next time...

" Even if you know the way,
  ask one more time "
  - a Korean proverb

Thursday, July 26, 2018

My Chalk Drawings: Peacock 072618

For me the beautiful Peacock is magical, with it's colorful feathers paraded to win it's Love...
"When you realize you want to spend 
the rest of your life with somebody,
you want the rest of your life
to start as soon as possible."
- Nora Ephron

My Chalk Drawings: The Ridge 072618

I like going to the ridge so I am inclined to draw it. Who wouldn't like the view of  Taal Volcano in the middle of the Lake? With the scenery to appreciate and the cool breeze to enjoy...

"If we were meant to stay in one place,
 we'd have roots instead of feet. He said. "
- Rachel Wolchin

My Chalk Drawing: Girl in Thought 072718

Lost in thought, a girl has so many unanswered questions, aspirations and dreams yet to be fulfilled...

" You were destined for accomplishment,
   engineered for success,
   and endowed with the seeds of greatness"
- Zig Ziglar 

My Chalk Drawings: Balloon Vendor 072618

What a kid is happy to see after attending mass on Sundays (in the Philippines),
The friendly vendor selling multi-colored balloons.
 A colorful display of fun and happiness for the child within us.

"Let moments be like balloons.
Cherish them as long as you have.
Then watch them with smile
as you  let them go. "
-  Hrituja Khatavkar

My Chalk Drawings : Geisha 072618

Thinking of Geisha and Cherry Blossoms... That is what one think of when imaging Japan. Land of Ancient traditions , very rich in culture. A must visit place in Asia... 

" This is why dreams can be such a dangerous thing; they smolder on like a fire does,
and sometimes they consume us completely.
- Arthur Golden
"Memoirs of a Geisha"

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

My Chalk Drawings: Princess 072618

This is my Princess, not the last one I would draw but a first of many. A person of strength, defying the elements. Enjoying the burst of strong winds...

"The pessimist complains about the wind :
the optimist expects it to change;
the realist adjusts the sails."
- William Arthur Ward

My Chalk Drawings : Little Buddha 072518

I was a visitor of Thailand and it's nice to once in a while remember onc's travels...

"The secret of living well and longer is :
eat half,
walk double,
laugh triple and
love without measure "
- a Tibetan Proverb

My Chalk Drawings : By the Pond 072518

This is my Pond , well I feel like drawing it filled with flowers around it like a secret garden where you rest and fill your mind with special dreams...
"Every morning was a cheerful invitation
  to make my life of equal simplicity,
and I may say innocence,
with Nature herself"
- Henry David Thoreau Walden

My Chalk Drawing : Lighthouse 072518

I have always imagined myself living near the cliffs and enjoying myself with the sea breeze.  So for now it's just a wish and a happy thought...

" Lighthouses don't go running
all over the island looking for
boats to save; they just stand there
Shining "  - Anne Lamott

My First Chalk Drawings 072518

My first drawing is of a lady walking in the park under the light afternoon sun . With a child and her dog having a small picnic.
I've always enjoyed walking with a friend to enjoy nature. It relieved any stress .

A Start of Something 07/25/2018

This July, in my usual shopping mode, I came upon the art supplies section.
I saw some small blackboards and thought to myself .maybe it will be fun to
buy one and some chalks . This will be something different for me. My usual
past time activities usually includes reading, watching videos and yes like any
other person of this time ... Surfing the Net.

So since my friends seems to appreciate some of my work I decided to publish
some of it in a blog scrapbook. I erase my chalk drawings when I'm done and have shown it to my friends, since I am just practicing this now. I was told I should put my work on Canvas so it can be mounted and displayed. Well I think that will come in later...

As like any of you I am my worst critic. I don't mind others disliking my
Chalk Drawings but to be real, I like drawing and I think I will continue doing so. I may even move on to other mediums just for the Fun of it. So, if you happen to drop by this site , thanks for passing by...